Valor of Grail: All Star

Valor of Grail: All Star

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Valor of Grail: All Star 介绍

Valor of Grail: All Star

With the Holy Grail, which was used to summon historical souls, broken, the explosive energy that it released melted all the 2-Dimensional worlds together. Meanwhile, it draws the attention of some ambitions Aizen. Combines the elements of fatal attraction and chaotic violence into a unique and astonishing visual feast. Immerse yourself in a fantastic world and unleash your inner wildness. Sensing, Tasting, Hacking, Slashing and Fighting dominate your every move, as you fight to destroy all that stands before you! Mortals, why not joint us right now? ***ADVENTURE OUT WITH YOUR FAVORITE ANIME HERO There are 46 anime heroes waiting for you on the way of Pilgrimage. You may encounter all anime heroes you like. Friends or foe, let’s join the battle with all hero at one time. ***PERSONALIZE YOUR OWN HERO Adjust the heroes’ attributes as you wish, when comes into the Attributes of your own hero, you are the boss. Various hero has their own unique feature, but rules are made to break. Why a Support can’t be a Markman? ***CHALLENGE THE EPIC BOSS Various epic boss shares different attributes. You may not match with the epic boss on battle power, but don’t worry! You are on the way to be tougher. Though you may not defeat the epic boss, you got chance to obtain bountiful rewards by challenge the epic boss every day. ***TO BE THE KING OF FIGHTER It will remind you memory of king of fighters. Matchmaking only takes 10 seconds, and battles last few minutes, glossing over the quiet early-game leveling up and jumping right into intense battles. Less boring waiting and repetitive farming, and more thrilling action and fist-pumping victories. At any place, at any time, just pick up your phone, fire up the game, and immerse yourself in a fantastic world and unleash your inner wildness. ***YOU ARE THE PIRATE KING You will escort your ship and occupy various islands, says, diamond island, golden island in One Piece dungeon. By escorting your ship and occupying your island, you will obtain bountiful rewards. What are you waiting for? Our conquest is the sea of stars, we are destined to be the pirate king! START YOUR FREE PLAY JOURNAL RIGHT NOW! By visiting or @GrailFighter to follow us on Facebook for the latest news and support.

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