DoorDash - Food Delivery

DoorDash - Food Delivery

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DoorDash - Food Delivery 介绍

DoorDash - Food Delivery








DoorDash - Food Delivery 历史版本

  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.12.2
    大小: 34.31 M
    We’re making it easier than ever to organize a large group meal on DoorDash. Group ordering is now available on Android, so you can create or add to a group cart directly in the mobile app. To create a group order, just visit the menu of your favorite restaurant and click the “group” icon in the top right; then share the link with friends, family, or colleagues so everyone can add their order directly to the cart.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.11.0
    大小: 34.18 M
    We’re making it easier than ever to organize a large group meal on DoorDash. Group ordering is now available on Android, so you can create or add to a group cart directly in the mobile app. To create a group order, just visit the menu of your favorite restaurant and click the “group” icon in the top right; then share the link with friends, family, or colleagues so everyone can add their order directly to the cart.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.10.2
    大小: 34.13 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.9.1
    大小: 34.08 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.8.1
    大小: 34.07 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.7.0
    大小: 33.72 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.6.1
    大小: 33.70 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.5.4
    大小: 33.62 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.5.2
    大小: 33.62 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.
  • DoorDash - Food Delivery
    DoorDash - Food Delivery
    版本: 9.5.0
    大小: 33.62 M
    DoorDash, the most advanced delivery system on Earth, has a brand new look and bold new set of features. Whether you’re pulling up your favorite place or looking for a new local flavor, our app delivers.

DoorDash - Food Delivery 版本更新

Our mission is to deliver good by connecting people and possibility. If we can play a small role in helping you spend more time with your friends and family or get ahead on your favorite projects, then we have delivered good.

We’re launching a new set of initiatives to deliver good within our communities, and you’ll see a new visual identity that reflects our spirit. Thank you for making DoorDash a success — we wouldn’t be here without you.

Upward and onward!

Tony Xu, CEO and Co-Founder

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  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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