Dead Zombies Survival VR

Dead Zombies Survival VR

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Dead Zombies Survival VR 介绍

Dead Zombies Survival VR

Attack of Zombies!!!! The city is attacked with a vicious biological virus that turned the humans into zombies.You need to be a BRAVE SOLDIER like a MARINE COMMANDO in this zombie assault VR battle and take the charge of the city back. Spot zombies around and kill them donot kill survivors - just pull the trigger, kill them all.You have the ammunition and of course the skills to shoot the zombies. Head shots are best to kill more zombies in less time with more accuracy. An action packed thriller for boys to lead soldiers and defend the pride of the army and get the control of city back. DON’T let the city turns into the dead people.How to set things:+ Start the game on your smartphone+ Put the Smartphone VR Glasses like 4DUD, Google Cardboard+ Align your phone in center + Check for blurriness... rotate lens for proper focus+ Wear your Google glasses and enjoy the Dead Zombies Survival in VRMovement Controls:+ Look around in 360 to locate zombies+ Focus to lock the zombie for auto fire+ Kill all zombies to proceed to next waveGamePlay:Dead Zombies Survival VR looks to offer a bit of variety with its emphasis on full body 360 move around, accelerometer featured, pattern memorization, and precision. You just have to locate and aim zombies around coming to you from all the sides front, back, both sides.... and that’s all.... Game Features:+ Dead Zombies Survival VR is pure physical movement game+ A horror-themed FPS (First Person Shooting) game+ It’s an action-packed game filled to the brim with enjoyable survival elements. + It has some brilliant content packed in it+ Lively visuals + Diverse and incredibly enjoyable gameplay.+ Pure open world madness + Large scale zombies attacking from all sides+ Gripping and detailed environmentThis demo is compatible with 4DUD VR Glasses, Google Cardboard, Durovis Dive, Vrase, Samsung Gear VR, Carl Zeiss VR one, Archos / Colorcross and other DIY Oculus Rift, htc Vive or Microsoft Hololens etc.Caution: While using any VR headset, you need to hold on to something as it does take over your senses. It’s easy for someone to fall over.

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