Mandelbrot Explorer

Mandelbrot Explorer

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Mandelbrot Explorer 介绍

Mandelbrot Explorer

A fast and powerful app that lets you explore the famous fractal known as the Mandelbrot Set. Allows you to pan and zoom (with tap and pinch), and change the number of iterations with the volume up/down buttons. Also allows you to preview the Julia set corresponding to any point on the Mandelbrot. Uses double precision, multiple threads, and native code for maximum performance.

来自应用汇: Mandelbrot Explorer //

Mandelbrot Explorer 版本更新

Updated for Android Oreo, plus minor bug fixes and enhancements.

用户对 Mandelbrot Explorer 的评论

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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