Baby Xylophone

Baby Xylophone

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Baby Xylophone 介绍

Baby Xylophone

Kids Piano is the best musical learning app for your kids! This game is specially designed for kids to play and learn for fun.It will be great for music learning and exploration.Colorful interface and cute animal icons that are eye-catching to kids.Your children will learn to play the Xylophone and identify musical instruments in a fun and educational way.Baby Xylophone is aimed at children up to 6 years and comes with different animals inside the game to have fun learning and developing musical skills.20 SONGS FOR FUN PLAYING THE XYLOPHONEKids will listen and learn in an easy way to play some of the most famous children's songs through 8 musical notes. Classic songs like "Happy Birthday" and "Oh Susannah," including:-Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star-The Animal Fair-Baby Bumble Bee-Old Macdonald-He’s got the whole world-Clementine-Five Little Ducks-Bingo-Doremi-Happy Birthday-If You Are Happy-London Bridge-Mary Had a Little Lamb-Oh Susanna-Old Macdonald Has a Farm-Row, Row, Row Your Boat-Yankee Doodle-The Itsy Bitsy Spider-It’s Raining It’s Pouring-Are you Sleeping4 GAMES IN 1:This game consists of 4 different game modes that will help toddlers enhance their musical skills:1-Play Xylophone: Babies can play songs accompanied by some funny dogs that will be moved by touching each bar.2- The xylophone on the farm: This time, the group of animals that accompanies the game is different: a chicken, an owl, a goat, a cow ... each one with its particular sound that sounds when the child put his finger on them.3-Guess the instrument: In this game mode will sound different musical sounds that the child will associate with the corresponding instrument at all times.4- Songwriter: In a simple and intuitive way, children can compose their own songs mixing different instrument sounds, setting the rhythm and speed they want.LEARN MUSICAL FIGURESIn any musical learning it is important to become familiar with musical notes and the rhythms. Baby Xylophone shows different musical figures like eighth notes, sixteenth notes, white, round and black so that children can recognize them visually.

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Best educational game for babies.

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