Medicine Journal

Medicine Journal

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Medicine Journal 介绍

Medicine Journal


It just got a whole lot easier to keep up to date with Medicine, the monthly review journal aimed at MRCP candidates and beyond. Loved and trusted for 40 years, Medicine aims to improve the understanding of disease and the care of patients. Read Medicine on the go; now available for android smartphones and tablets!
• Stay ahead with alerts when new issues are available and read Articles in Press throughout the month
• Experience innovative digital content with the newly introduced Article enhancements; featuring AudioSlides, Virtual Microscope, 3d Radiological Viewer, 3D Neuroimaging Viewer, and more.
• Get access to the journal content on the app via your institution’s IP
• Enjoy Open Access and Open Archive Content without having to login
• Accessibility support to assist the visually impaired
• Interact with figures, tables, and supplementary content
• Stream multimedia for faster viewing or download for later
• Take notes, highlight articles and share via email and social media
• Personalize your experience with My Reading List and save articles for offline reading
Journal Subscribers: Log in with the same username and password that grants you access to the full journal content on the Medicine website. These credentials will allow full access to all content on the app.

About Medicine

Medicine is a continually updated, evidence-based resource covering internal medicine and its specialties. It’s an authoritative and comprehensive resource that provides all trainees, irrespective of medical specialty, with up-to-date information on the mechanisms of disease, effective diagnosis and today’s correct management options so that patient care can be optimized. Given its comprehensive coverage of internal medicine, this resource is also an ideal companion for consultants in the acute medicine setting and for GPs.
Designed to provide trainees with a trustworthy source of medical knowledge, each article covers basic sciences and clinical management. All content is written on an invite-only basis by respected medical professionals, commissioned by our editorial board of experts, examiners and research professors. As a trainee you have plenty to do – trying to compile your own revision and learning resources from lots of medical journals shouldn’t be one of them. Stay focused on what you need to achieve and let us provide the medical knowledge you need.
To ensure you are confident and competent, all Medicine articles are written with the most recent medical knowledge. Just to make it easier, our content follows the Core Medical Training Curriculum, ensuring that you stay on track.
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Elsevier Inc




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