Bingo Beach

Bingo Beach

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Bingo Beach 介绍

Bingo Beach

Enjoy the sand and surf alike while you get your Bingo fix! Now available for Android Smartphones & Tablets!ENJOY BINGO ON THE BEACHBingo Beach combines classic bingo action with exciting fast paced power-ups, collectibles, unique new items, leveling up, chat, and a lot more to create a true sunny delight!REAL-TIME MULTIPLAYERConnect from anywhere and play against other Bingo Beach goers. Chat in real time with other players in between rounds or while you daub your cards. Play 4 cards at a time on tablet or up to 2 cards on your phone.UNIQUE GAME CHANGING ITEMSUse new and unique items like the Daub Spotter and Bingo Spotter to make bingo even more fast paced and fun.Once you've used a Daub Spotter you will never go back!EXPLORE THE BEACHES & WATERS OF THE WORLDCollect collectibles, trophies, and custom daubs from around the world.Play Bingo Beach for FREE and begin your your journey with Lucky Cat today!Like us on: us on: you have problems or suggests we would love to hear from you. You can reach us at: contact@ember-entertainment.comENJOY BINGO ON THE BEACHBingo Beach combines classic bingo action with exciting fast paced power-ups, collectibles, unique new items, leveling up, chat, and a lot more to create a true sunny delight!REAL-TIME MULTIPLAYERConnect from anywhere and play against other Bingo Beach goers. Chat in real time with other players in between rounds or while you daub your cards. Play 4 cards at a time on tablet or up to 2 cards on your phone.UNIQUE GAME CHANGING ITEMSUse new and unique items like the Daub Spotter and Bingo Spotter to make bingo even more fast paced and fun.Once you've used a Daub Spotter you will never go back!EXPLORE THE BEACHES & WATERS OF THE WORLDCollect collectibles, trophies, and custom daubs from around the world.Play Bingo Beach for FREE and begin your your journey with Lucky Cat today!Like us on: us on: you have problems or suggests we would love to hear from you. You can reach us at:

来自应用汇: Bingo Beach //

Bingo Beach 版本更新

Misc Bug fixes and Optimizations

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  • la28 2019-06-15

    榴明 \^O^/

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Bingo Beach 信息







Ember Entertainment




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