Pretty Fairies on Screen

Pretty Fairies on Screen

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Pretty Fairies on Screen 介绍

Pretty Fairies on Screen

"Pretty Fairies on Screen" displays animated cute fairies in motion on your phone screen. Meanwhile, you can normally use your phone, even if you are playing a game, chatting or just browsing, the fairies will not stop flying. It also has parallax (3d/4D) effects!You can also add one of many beautiful clocks to your home screen!Pretty Fairies on Screen can also be used as a funny joke to trick your friends and family. Just borrow their phones, download our app, and watch their reaction! This is not a scary app, our fairies are inoffensive and actually cute so don't worry about that.To apply the fairies, open the app and tap the button on the top right corner (check mark) and enable the app to draw over your screen when it takes you to your phone settings.To disable the fairies, open our app "Pretty Fairies on Screen" from your phones apps menu and press on the "disable" icon on the top right corner. Main features of the application:1. Fluid and smooth animation2. Realistic, fun fairies3. Animated fairies will always be displayed in the background4. Wallpapers or live wallpapers don't interfere with our fairies5. Fairies color can be changed to different colors, or mix'em up!6. You can add a clock to your screen.7. It has 3D/4D (parallax) effects.You can check our other fun apps and free live wallpapers:1. Rose live wallpaper2. Live wallpapers for girls3. Spring Petals Live Wallpaper4. Golden shine live wallpaper5. Dragon Fire Live Wallpaper6. Cute Fluffy Live Wallpaper7. Ocean HD Live WallpaperAnd many others

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