Social Media

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Social Media

Social Media All your Favorite now at one place. Social media All In One Apps .100% Free secure social media apps Platform for Android!No need for other apps anymore!100% secure social media platform!Set up a Password, PIN as your primary security credential to protect.Access all your social network apps securely and conveniently with "Social Media Locker". With its password-protected interface, you don’t have to worry about others accessing your social networking accounts. Using this app, you can fearlessly access your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other social media accounts. In addition, the application has a host of secondary security features that keeps your social media apps hidden from others. In short, the app lets you access your all social networks within a secure interface. These features set Social Media Locker class apart from other similar apps such as Hootsuite.Fast access to any Social Networks in a Click.This unique application offers you all social media apps in one interface. You do not have to download Twitter application separately, as all the major social media networks are available in this app. You no longer have to re-enter your social network credentials with this application, you have the freedom to access all your social networking apps with one password, PIN or pattern. Moreover, with the free version, you can access a number of social media platforms with ease, unlike Hootsuite, who just allows only 3 networks in their free version of the app.Password ProtectionSecure your Password to protect your social media account like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. This all in one app offers such reliable security, which helps you keep your credential protected from intruders.Panic Switch:No need to worry if someone shoulder snoops you or suddenly arrive when you are socializing. All you need to do is Face down, flick or shake your phone to switch to another application immediately ensuring foolproof protection. Hootsuite does not offer any similar privacy feature to its users, whereas, this app is offering comprehensive privacy solution.Hide App icon:Dynamically hides the app’s icon, prevents snoopers from discovering the app on your smartphone. Means, you can enjoy using Twitter and no one will know about it. This feature comes handy when someone gets hold of your phone, but, cannot access your private accounts as he doesn’t know if you are using such an app, furthermore, he will not know the trick to launch the app.You can access many social networks through this app, few are listed below :1. Twitter2. Instagram3. Facebook4. Youtube5. Linkedin6. Pinterest7. Google+8. Reddit9. Tumblr10. Gmail11. Outlook mail12. Yahoo mail13. Aol mail14. Vkontakte (VK)15. 9Gag16. Buzzfeed17. imgur18. Life hacker19. Myspace20. Vimeo21. SoundCloud22. Digg23. Path24. Dailymotion25. netflix26. Xanga27. Stumbleupon28. Classmates29. CyWorld30. Badoo31. Fotolog32. BlackPlanet33. GaiaOnline34. Flixster35. Skyrock36. DevainArt37. Habbo38. Google39. Vine40. Twoo41. Box42. Last.FM43. Dropbox44. Qzone45. Travian46. We Heart It47. My life48. Sina Weibo49. Odnoklassniki50. WAYN51. yikyak52. mymfb53. medium54. Flickr55. SlackIf you face any problem using this app or need any improvement please email us.

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