Fill The Glass : Make It Smile

Fill The Glass : Make It Smile

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Fill The Glass : Make It Smile 介绍

Fill The Glass : Make It Smile

Fill The Glass is an entertaining puzzle game that challenges players to fill a glass and make it happy again
by solving drawing puzzles. Though at first sight it may not seem a complicated task,
you should know that the difficulty of the puzzles increases as you go up the different stages.

If you don’t manage to get the three stars when completing a level, replay it.
This will help you improve your drawing skills, which will be helpful in the long run.
If you decide to go for the easy option,
you can always achieve that much desired third star by watching an ad.
Up to a certain extent, it may feel like cheating. But Be happy it’s still a valid option.

There are no useless elements in Fill The Glass

If you really need some help, take advantage of the hints

Fill The Glass hints are rather expensive. So make sure to use them only when it’s absolutely necessary.
Though these hints show you exactly how to break through the level, it is true that some levels do seem impossible to solve.

In Fill The Glass, you will earn more stars depending on how much of the pen tool you use.
The amount of ink you have left is indicated by the bar at the top of the screen,
use this bar to avoid completing levels with two or fewer stars. So,
when you are in a level that requires a lot of drawing,
you should take your time and draw it slowly and make it happy.
If you touch any object in the scene, the pen tool will freeze,
so be careful and avoid touching the edges.

features :

- nice smart and fun puzzles but can be challenging too
- Fun and amazing theme

Essentially there are a million ways to use the pencil,
and normally the simplest way is the most effective.
So take your time, don’t get frustrated and utilise those around you.
You’d be surprised how a fresh pair of eyes can have a unique approach to a level that you’ve been stuck on for ages.
They might not solve it, but they might just open your eyes as to how the level could be done.

Fill The Glass is available to download and play for free on Android devices from the Google Play Store.

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