Basketball Moves

Basketball Moves

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Basketball Moves 介绍

Basketball Moves

One of the most exhilarating aspects of basketball is seeing incredible moves with the ball that leads to memorable plays. Basketball Moves will provide you will the drills and exercises to help you make moves around the court and avoid defenders in your path. At the end of this program, you will be able to react to defenses, choose the appropriate move to set yourself up to dribble, pass, or shoot, or simply get out of difficult situations on the court.Variations on the crossover, in-out dribble, behind the back, spin, and many other basketball moves will allow you to deceive defenders in any way you like, provided that you do these drills/exercises. The crowd will be in awe at your fluidity and grace as you skillfully weave around the defense to make excellent basketball plays. Each of the drills/exercises will bring you closer to creating open shots for yourself or your teammates when you step on the court. Includes:- 15 levels of drills/exercises to challenge and improve your basketball moves!- Video demonstrations of drills/exercises to insure proper form and technique!

来自应用汇: Basketball Moves //

Basketball Moves 版本更新


- remove spotify and pandora options from music selector

8.0.0 - 8.0.1

- lower quality assets to fix crashes on older devices

- new onboarding experience

- streamlined home screen experience. See what other content we have to offer.

- fixed issues accessing content on Android Pie devices

- minor bug fixes

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