学习英语 6000 单词

学习英语 6000 单词

  • 英文

学习英语 6000 单词 介绍

学习英语 6000 单词

FunEasyLearn是一种又容易又有趣的学习英语的新方式,无论您喜欢听异国的音乐,还是出国旅游,或者工作于一家跨国公司,又亦或和外国朋友聊天,都来获取免费词汇的应用程式吧!学习* 6000个单词与图像,充分说明单词和由英语为母语的人的发音录音。* 词汇涵盖15个专题并划为140个副主题。* 整个词汇已被翻译成6种语言:英语,德语法语,西班牙语,意大利语等。乐趣* 从7个有趣的游戏选择独特的娱乐方式学习。* 内置“旋转类别”功能,可允许应用程式为您随机选择一个主题,副主题和游戏以提高您的学习经验。容易* 使用应用程式时,无须互联网的连接。* 3个难度级别:初级,中级和高级。* 从6个预编程界面语言里选择您的首选语言教学 :英语,法语,德语,西班牙语,意大利语等。学习英语的应用程式是完全免费的!-------------------关于FunEasyLearn.com:与 funeasylearn.com 的学习应用程式,您可以免费的学习英语。通过图像演示,录制的发音里学习超过6000 个单词以及母语翻译者所翻译的6 种语言:英语、 德语、 法语、 西班牙语、 意大利语等。此应用程式的词汇按主题划分并涵盖了日常世界里的大多数环节,从餐厅酒店家庭到工作场所,太空到动物王国。FunEasyLearn 是一种珍贵的学习工具,因为它有很多由专家们开发的好玩游戏。FunEasyLearn 是非常完美于任何想要学习英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语等等 的人。请通过在Android 市场留下了良好的评级以支持我们,或者如果您喜欢它,就与您的朋友在Facebook,Twitter或Google+上分享这个应用程式。如果您有关于这个应用程式的任何问题,请随时让我们知道support@funeasylearn.com-------------------参观我们:http://www.funeasylearn.com喜欢我们:https://www.facebook.com/FunEasyLearn跟随我们:https://twitter.com/funeasylearn围绕我们:https://plus.google.com/+Funeasylearn学习* 6000个单词与图像,充分说明单词和由英语为母语的人的发音录音。* 词汇涵盖15个专题并划为140个副主题。* 整个词汇已被翻译成6种语言:英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语等。乐趣* 从7个有趣的游戏选择独特的娱乐方式学习。* 内置“旋转类别”功能,可允许应用程式为您随机选择一个主题,副主题和游戏以提高您的学习经验。容易* 使用应用程式时,无须互联网的连接。* 3个难度级别:初级,中级和高级。* 从6个预编程界面语言里选择您的首选语言教学 :英语,法语,德语,西班牙语,意大利语等。学习英语的应用程式是完全免费的!-------------------关于FunEasyLearn.com:与 funeasylearn.com 的学习应用程式,您可以免费的学习英语。通过图像演示,录制的发音里学习超过6000 个单词以及母语翻译者所翻译的6 种语言:英语、 德语、 法语、 西班牙语、 意大利语等。此应用程式的词汇按主题划分并涵盖了日常世界里的大多数环节,从餐厅,酒店,家庭到工作场所,太空到动物王国。FunEasyLearn 是一种珍贵的学习工具,因为它有很多由专家们开发的好玩游戏。FunEasyLearn 是非常完美于任何想要学习英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语等等 的人。请通过在Android 市场留下了良好的评级以支持我们,或者如果您喜欢它,就与您的朋友在Facebook,Twitter或Google+上分享这个应用程式。如果您有关于这个应用程式的任何问题,请随时让我们知道support@funeasylearn.com-------------------参观我们:http://www.funeasylearn.com喜欢我们:https://www.facebook.com/FunEasyLearn跟随我们:https://twitter.com/funeasylearn围绕我们:https://plus.google.com/+Funeasylearn

来自应用汇: 学习英语 6000 单词 //www.stclairws.com/app/com.funeasylearn.english?from=spi-desc

学习英语 6000 单词 历史版本

  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.8.2
    大小: 55.17 M

    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

    - GDPR compliance.

    - You can now buy each level separately.

    - Multi-level selection available.

    - Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

    - Our app is ready for Android 9.

    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    - Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.7.9
    大小: 55.12 M

    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

    - GDPR compliance.

    - You can now buy each level separately.

    - Multi-level selection available.

    - Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

    - Our app is ready for Android 9.

    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    - Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.7.2
    大小: 55.19 M

    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

    - GDPR compliance.

    - You can now buy each level separately.

    - Multi-level selection available.

    - Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

    - Our app is ready for Android 9.

    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    - Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.7.1
    大小: 55.18 M

    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

    - GDPR compliance.

    - You can now buy each level separately.

    - Multi-level selection available.

    - Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

    - Our app is ready for Android 9.

    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    - Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.6.5
    大小: 54.96 M

    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

    - GDPR compliance.

    - You can now buy each level separately.

    - Multi-level selection available.

    - Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

    - Our app is ready for Android 9.

    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    - Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.6.1
    大小: 54.70 M

    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

    - GDPR compliance.

    - You can now buy each level separately.

    - Multi-level selection available.

    - Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

    - Our app is ready for Android 9.

    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    - Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.55
    大小: 53.45 M
    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:
    - GDPR compliance.
    - You can now hear the pronunciation of a word spoken normally and spoken slowly.
    - Our app is ready for Android 8.1
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    - We've added speech recognition for improving your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.54
    大小: 53.57 M
    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:
    - GDPR compliance.
    - You can now hear the pronunciation of a word spoken normally and spoken slowly.
    - Our app is ready for Android 8.1
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    - We've added speech recognition for improving your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.52
    大小: 53.27 M
    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:
    - GDPR compliance.
    - You can now hear the pronunciation of a word spoken normally and spoken slowly.
    - Our app is ready for Android 8.1
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    - We've added speech recognition for improving your pronunciation.
  • 学习英语 6000 单词
    学习英语 6000 单词
    版本: 5.48
    大小: 52.14 M
    We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:
    - You can now hear the pronunciation of a word spoken normally and spoken slowly.
    - Our app is ready for Android 8.1
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    - We've added speech recognition for improving your pronunciation.

学习英语 6000 单词 版本更新

We are working hard to make FunEasyLearn app even better for learning languages. Here is what's new in this update:

- GDPR compliance.

- You can now buy each level separately.

- Multi-level selection available.

- Two modes of pronunciation: normal and slow.

- Our app is ready for Android 9.

- Bug fixes and performance improvements.

- Speech recognition feature added, to improve your pronunciation.

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  • YYH13072558415 12个月前


  • 也没道理 2016-03-05


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