Wedding Makeup Salon Makeover

Wedding Makeup Salon Makeover

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Wedding Makeup Salon Makeover 介绍

Wedding Makeup Salon Makeover

Our beautiful Bridal will have her excellent wedding today. Come to take her to the makeup salon for a beauty makeover. Firstly, you can help her wash her face and then give her a nice steam care. Next, come to make her hair with one beautiful headband to maker hair hair up. After that, you can come to make up her with our given cosmetics. Choose one pair of contact lenses to make her eyes look shinning. Then make up for her eyebrows and eyes shadows. In the following step, you need to choose one long veil for her. Pick up some marvelous hair accessories to the princess and then dress up princess with fashionable wedding dress and high heeled shoes. Select one hairstyle that fits her very much and don’t forget to decorate her beauty with gorgeous necklace. After this stage, you can come to choose one image of the groom that you like and at last celebrate for their wedding and show us how attractive you can let the Bridal be. Features:1. Give a facial treatment for the Bridal2. Help Bridal make up 3. Dress up for Bridal and make her beautiful 4. Choose the image of groom 5. Let them have a wedding How to play:1. Help the Bridal wash her face 2. Give her a nice facial steam spa 3. Use the hairband to fix her hair 4. Choose one pair of nice contact lens5. Make up for her eyebrow and eye shadows 6. Pick one fashion hairstyle and decorate with hair accessories 7. Choose one pair of ear studs and necklace for her 8. Dress up her with beautiful wedding dress and high heeled shoes 9. Select one image of groom that you like 10. Let Bridal and groom have a nice wedding

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