Draw - one-stroke puzzle game

Draw - one-stroke puzzle game

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Draw - one-stroke puzzle game 介绍

Draw - one-stroke puzzle game

A brain training block puzzle game, featuring Königsberg Bridge puzzle solving skills to improve cognitive abilities.This is a completely free, Königsberg Bridge puzzle solving game that is simple, yet engaging and will have you hooked.Enjoy all 3,200 stages to your heart's content.SummaryThis is a high quality brain training puzzle game which will stimulate your brain each time you play.Enjoy challenging and energizing your brain during your free time, while commuting or before going to sleep.How to playThe rules are remarkably simple.Color in all the onscreen blocks with one continuous stroke.Use the available hints to figure out puzzles that are difficult and hard to solve.These hints are available for free, of course.Stages4 difficulty levels available, from Beginner, Expert, Professional, to Master.An unprecedented number of puzzles, 3,200, are available to play.Master mode is truly an "extremely difficult level..."The origins of the Königsberg BridgeThe Königsberg Bridge puzzle originated as a mathematical problem set on the Pregel River in the city of Königsberg in the early 18th century.This mathematical problem involved "starting from any point in the city, and setting out to cross each of the 7 bridges spanning the Pregel River once and only once, and returning to the original starting point."Having a mathematically stimulated brain is said to have effects which can lead to prevention of degenerative aging and boost work efficiency.We hope you will take this opportunity to challenge yourself and "enjoy this completely free brain training game that you can play in your free time."We are certain that you'll be hooked.

来自应用汇: Draw - one-stroke puzzle game //www.stclairws.com/app/com.gamestart.draw?from=spi-desc

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