IP Scanner

IP Scanner

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IP Scanner 介绍

IP Scanner

IP Scanner or network Scanner is one of the powerful SNMP network scanning tools, and IP tools, and work as a 192.168 1.1 advanced IP scanner admin, or Router Administrator, also a powerful sysadmin and ping and traceroute tools to analyze wifi speed, and adjust parameters of networks also knowing who is in network or WiFi, and get a accurate geo localisation of your IP or any IP. It allows the user to detection the connected machines in the computer network and test ping and traceroute speed to a foreign domain or a local machine. This is an essential SNMP network scanner application to analyze wifi networks and system admin and detecting intruders.Do you have intruders in your home network ? Do you want to see the devices that are connected to your network without visiting 192.168 1.1 ip host or check yout Router Administrator? or get a geolocalisation of an IP, All this and much more you have available with this network scanning tools, advanced IP scanner, thanks to its colorful app will be very easy to analyze the ports of different devices to find possible vulnerabilities in your devices. It also gives you the possibility to configure and searches of the devices to your liking like as a SNMP network scanner.Advanced IP Scanner has a simple and effective interface for wifi analyser and ping network. If you dont have permission to view IP, where you can receive all information about your network or WiFi from this advanced IP scanner, to find internal IP of connected hosts, opened and locked ports, the SSID, BSSID, broadcast address, gateway, network mask, Mac address and vendor name. The advanced IP Scanner app is a SNMP spoofer network scanning tools, that provides you an advanced IP sysadmin, to access to the most popular network information often used by network administrators, to detect who is in you network like the application : Who Is On My WiFi, and an efficacy geolocalisation tool,pingtools and traceroute tool to test internet speed, because in many times you don't know why your connection speed is slow. There might be that someone hack WIFI or steal your network speed without your permission, and know there host name and Mac address.Using our advanced IP network scanning tools, you can scan all network IP, also test ping speed response, and protect from the hacker WIFI attacks, by telling you know how many and which devices are connected to your router with host name, vendor and Mac address information.a powerful sysadmin to detect which devices are connected to your Wi-Fi network, and list map devices to detect potential intruders, to get the best network performance with this WiFi analyzer.With a lot of free networking tools, including a Wi-Fi scanner, a port scanner, ping and traceroute monitoring and network utility.IP network scanner tool includes:* Wi-Fi / LAN network Scanner to discover all devices connected to network.* All device details, including IP address, MAC address, device name, vendor, manufacturer.* Device and network details.* IP Geolocalisation. * Port Scanner to finds open ports and services available.* Ping and traceroute for the evaluation of the quality of the network connection.* Connection to host ports (HTTP, SSH, FTP).* Network Intrusion Detection.

来自应用汇: IP Scanner //www.stclairws.com/app/com.gammalabs.network?from=spi-desc

IP Scanner 版本更新

Fix new bugs in version 7 and 8 of android
Notice : This version Required
-- "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" permission, to use wifi analyzer tool.
-- "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" permission, to get access to the device MANUFACTURER and MODEL name.
-- "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permission, to get access to the storage and save exported data.

New in this version :
* Add WiFi analyzer tool
* Add IP Geo-localisation tool

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IP Scanner 信息







Gamma+ Labs

  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 改变WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 读取电话状态
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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