Fashion High School - Girl Makeover

Fashion High School - Girl Makeover

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Fashion High School - Girl Makeover 介绍

Fashion High School - Girl Makeover

Fashion High School - Girl MakeoverHelp! Austen to give her high fashion dress up makeover. There are everyone hasfixed their eyes for best high school makeover! Have a wonderful blast while you makeover and dress in latest style and show us your inner fashionist expertise. Austen just going to leave her old school and little bit nervous before going new boarding school. Help her to add some style to school and encourage her by giving some makeover style and dressup.Give her a special look ,take photographs and collect your all photosto show off your fashion skills for high school girls.Features:-Select your best friend-Then come to you new school-Meet principal-Find those girls who need fashion help-Give them hot new fashion looks-Take photographs-Show off your skills-Win the prize and meet successblingyhigh school cheerleadergirl dressfashion girlbooks for girlsgive fashion help

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