Scooby Doo: Saving Shaggy

Scooby Doo: Saving Shaggy

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Scooby Doo: Saving Shaggy 介绍

Scooby Doo: Saving Shaggy

Yikes! Shaggy is imprisoned in an eerie tomb. Help Scooby free Shaggy while exploring spooky levels. Keep an eye out for mummies, ghosts and ghouls as they will be hot on your tail. Collect power-ups and everyday objects to stay one step ahead. Can you survive the tombs and free your trusted friend Shaggy?*************★ Many levels and worlds of spooky fun!★ Avoid the scary monsters and all the sinister traps they set.★ Use transport tunnels, skateboards, vases and other objects to keep you safe.★ Collect bones and snacks to free Shaggy!*************TM & © 2015 Turner Entertainment Co. ScoobyDoo and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © 2015 Turner Entertainment Co.

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