SignEasy:Sign On-The-Go

SignEasy:Sign On-The-Go

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SignEasy:Sign On-The-Go 介绍

SignEasy:Sign On-The-Go

SignEasy is the simplest and fastest way to sign documents securely from your Android phone and tablets.

★★ CNBC: Digitizing signature on mobile made easy ★★

★★ Engadget: app halts the print / sign / email cycle, trees everywhere celebrate ★★

★★ Lifehacker: App that takes all the work out of signing documents by letting you do it directly from any iOS device. ★★

★★ BostonGlobe: Top travel apps for business travelers ★★

With SignEasy, you can forget about the hassles of printing, scanning and faxing. Sign and send any document in 3 simple steps.

Import a document from Email, Web, Dropbox, Box or any app supporting “Open In” or "Send To" functionality.

2. SIGN.
Sign with your finger or a stylus and complete your document with initials, date, text and more.

3. SEND.
Email the final document to anyone or save it back to Dropbox, Box, Evernote or other file sharing apps.

Individuals and businesses from over 100 countries use SignEasy to sign and edit documents such as NDAs, real estate forms, sales contracts, financing agreements, expense reports, consent forms, permission slips and more. They are saving time, money and closing deals faster by going paperless.

Electronic signature is a legal way to sign documents and enforce contracts. SignEasy helps you do it in a safe and secure manner conveniently.

✔ Supports almost any document format (pdf, Word, Excel, Text, HTML, JPEG/PNG/TIFF and more)
✔ Sign yourself or get signatures from other people in person
✔ Draw signature using the finger or stylus
✔ Fill in text: name, initials, date and more
✔ Customize using many ink colors, text style and international date formats
✔ Import and save documents via Email, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and more

Additional Features:
✔ Import documents via email by sending an attachment
✔ Import documents directly from Email, Dropbox, Box and other online file sharing apps
✔ Save signed documents back to your Box account

You can sign the first 3 documents for free. You can then upgrade to the premium subscription package for unlimited signatures, unlimited storage and many more powerful features. Alternatively, you can buy 5 document credits based on your ongoing needs.

Your feedback and questions are welcome at For help or reporting an issue, email us at

Stay up-to-date with SignEasy at, and

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SignEasy:Sign On-The-Go 版本更新

SignEasy is now ready for and fully supports Android 10. Enjoy your favourite and simplest eSigning app on the best of Android. This update also brings support for gesture-based navigation so you can easily swipe through the app with Back and Home gestures.

We've also been hard at work and doing big performance improvements over the last few releases to ensure you always get the best experience.

Fire up the app and try the latest updates today!

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