Easy Screenshot Capture

Easy Screenshot Capture

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Easy Screenshot Capture 介绍

Easy Screenshot Capture

Easy Screenshot Capture is for the purpose to grab screen snapshots that are easy for future references. Usually screenshots captured are taken through home buttons, volume down or using the click key but Easy Screenshot Capture is based on a tap without relying on any button to press.
AT times they are certain screens which need to be taken care of and preserved. It may be difficult to explain a certain situation which may have been easily available on your phone’s screen but you did not possess a grabber, or perhaps knew how a certain phone has its screenshot taken! Such is the scenario when the genius Easy Screenshot capture comes to use and might handle the entire situation.
The ultimate functionality of Easy Screenshot Capture can be taken to it best use, whenever a trigger to save a certain screen display is required. Ideally, the need may vary from user to user, hence this snapshot app is absolutely free to help capture screens, for maximum users.
Imagine if a it’s a special moment of joy when in the middle of the night you receive a message from your bunch of friends, waiting for you outside your main door with your birthday cake! That joyous screenshot of your friend’s surprise in the middle of the night can be stored exactly how it appeared on your phone’s screen! Ok, that may not be the case, but how about your special someone who confesses his/her feelings to you and you possess Easy Screenshot Capture that grabs this amazing screen, now wouldn’t that be super easy?
In addition to that, if you’re not a technology savvy and your phone’s functionality is at stake; your home button, volume down or camera shot are pressed but they don’t respond, how can you possibly convey it to the technical support department? Yes we mean Easy Screenshot Capture! Super easy and serving the purpose of these situation for its functionality, at its best!
Easy Screenshot Capture is an ultimate screen display grabber that stores screen shots as per your need, without having to press the home key and volume down key simultaneously. A support icon remains on all home screens at all times, and it just needs to be tapped once and the screen would be captured!
- Easy Access Home Screen Icon
- No need of pressing keys and buttons (Single Tap reliant)
- Compatible with all rooted phones
- Light weighted and functionality oriented app
- Screenshots saved as images

来自应用汇: Easy Screenshot Capture //www.stclairws.com/app/com.gogreendev.easy.screenshot.capture?from=spi-desc

Easy Screenshot Capture 版本更新

- Minor bug fixes

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  • 吳庭萱_7730 2020-01-23


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Easy Screenshot Capture 信息






  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 显示系统窗口
  • 使用振动
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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