Image English Dictionary - 32 language Translate

Image English Dictionary - 32 language Translate

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Image English Dictionary - 32 language Translate 介绍

Image English Dictionary - 32 language Translate

Study English through "always English".① Intuitive understanding ② Fast memorization ③ Learning to use in real English conversation.■ Image association learning- The images provided in "Always English" are designed to intuitively express the English words.- This not only enhances the memorization effect through image associations- By understanding English words more intuitively, you can train them to use English without interference.■ Real-time translation function & notification area & input as picture- Do you speak English that you do not know? Select the letter and copy it, and I'll translate it in real time.- English word is exposed in the notification area. Improve your English learning.- I will automatically type and translate the English in the book.■ Speaking and learning English- Learn English words while speaking through speech recognition.- It is possible to memorize English words faster than simply memorizing them with the eyes.- English words learned while speaking can be easily used in real English conversation.■ Speed ​​Memorization Game- Stimulus-Reaction learning principle is provided as a game, which allows strong combination of word meaning and English words.- This greatly enhances the ability to respond to situations (stimuli) in real English conversation.■ Efficient learning system- Speed ​​memorization As you play the game, you will be able to memorize not only memorization of English words but memorization level.- English words with insufficient memorization are automatically classified and can be studied efficiently.■ Dictionary and translation- English dictionary and English translation in 32 languages.■ Permissions used by applications- INTERNET: Internet is used for communication.- READ_PHONE_STATE: Check the phone status to record learning results.- BILLING: Use billing to remove ads and activate paid features.- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Check network status for image download.- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Use read storage permissions to read images locally.- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Use write storage permissions to write images locally.- CAMERA: Use the camera for OCR (Image Test Read) function.

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