Tractor Farming 3D Simulator

Tractor Farming 3D Simulator

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Tractor Farming 3D Simulator 介绍

Tractor Farming 3D Simulator

Plow, seed, water and cultivate your fields and farmsTractor Farming 3d Simulator is a chance to become crazy modern farmer. Immerse into a huge open world of your modern farmland and cultivate or harvest multiple types of crops such as sugar beet, potatoes, wheat, canola, corn, rice, cotton and sunflower. Watch out your livestock such as cows, goats, sheep, ostriches and pigs. Cultivate and reap to sell your dairy and farming products into the dynamic market. Plow the fields, seed the fields, water the fields and harvest the crop & fruit of the cultivation process. Drive Heavy machinery; enjoy simulation of the modern countrysideDozens of brand new equipment, farming vehicles and machines are given on your choice in this Tractor Farming 3D Simulator free game. This agriculture activity based free simulation invites you aboard the most complete handheld farming simulation ever created. The agriculture career is much brighter in the plain areas of Asia, Europe and United States of America. This countryside 3d field will make you crazy while driving a tractor trolley, thrasher, harvester, water tanker and other agricultural simulation machinery and equipments.Features of the Tractor Farming 3D Simulator• Realistic tractors, trolleys, harvesters, water tankers and trucks from some of the biggest agriculture machine makers are available.• Plant and harvest multiple agriculture crops: Wheat, cotton, rice, canola, corn, sugar beet, potatoes and sunflower• Breed ostriches, goats, sheep, cows, pigs and sell them for profitABOUT US: We, Game Sim Studios, provide entertainment with responsibility to maintain quality. We always welcome feedback and comments. You are requested to review and comment so that we can make games better for our valuable players.Please remain intact for updates. For more information,

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