MCU Board simulator

MCU Board simulator

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MCU Board simulator 介绍

MCU Board simulator

The MCU simulator for Android OS runs Assembly Language code similar to the 68705 MCU on a simulated on-screen prototype board. Great for embedded applications hobbyists, students, teachers or anyone who likes to experiment with Micro-controller CPUs and electronic prototype boards. It's fun for learning Assembly language as well!AndMCU simulates both software and hardware. As on a real prototype board, your ASM code must configure the MCU I/O ports to control the hardware connected to it, such as lighting up segments on the digits, or reading keystrokes from the keypad or dip-switches.You can use the simple built-in text editor or any Android text editor of your choice to write your assembly code and then load it into AndMCU to run it. The built-in assembler has many useful directives such as step-by-step trace mode, break-points, dumping memory contents to an HTML file, adjusting the CPU speed and auto-running the loaded code. It supports the following opcodes (subset of the 68705 MCU instruction set):NOP,CLC,CLI,SEC,SEI,STOP,SWI,TAX,TXA,LDA,LDX,STA,STX, ADD,ADC,CLR,CLRA,CLRX,DEC,DECA,DECX,INC,INCA,INCX,SUB,SBC,AND,CMP,COM,COMA,COMX,CPX,EOR,LSL,LSLA,LSLX,LSR,LSRA,LSRX,NEG,NEGA,ORA,ROL,ROLA,ROR,RORA,TST,TSTA,BRA,BSR,BCC,BCS,BEQ,BNE,BHI,BLO,BLS,JMP,JSR,RTS,RTI,BCLR,BSET.The AndMCU board simulates the following hardware components: 1) 8-Bit CPU with 3x 8-bit bi-directional ports. 2) 6 Digits display 3) 16-character LCD display 4) 2x 8-bit DIP Switches 5) 2x8 LED Bargraph displays 6) 12-key keypad 7) 1 piezo buzzer 8) External, Timer and Software Interrupts 9) 1 analog input (light sensor).* Works on screen resolutions up to 1080 x 1920 (Full-HD). (This is not a fast CPU emulator - it's a simulator for educational purposes. See documentation on AndMCU's website for more details.)This is the Ad-supported version of AndMCU (free).If you like this application please support further development by purchasing the Ad-free version from the Google Play Market. The Ad-free version also enables flick-scrolling for the built-in editor.INTERNET-PERMISSION: Enabled for the Ad support (AdMob).

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MCU Board simulator 版本更新

V.1.10 June 5, 2013: Bug fixes: clear trace mode and reset CPU speed after loading a new file.V.1.09 March 22, 2013: Adapted for Full-HD screen resolutions (up to 1080x1920).

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