Holiday Swap

Holiday Swap

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Holiday Swap 介绍

Holiday Swap

Want to travel the world and not pay large amounts for your accommodation? Come and check out the first real travel social community where you stay at theirs and they stay at yours. That’s more money in your pocket for the important things when you travel.

• Filter your settings and swipe through properties across the world to see who you could match up with.
• Our ‘Always bag packed’ option allows you to explore and discover the world, making connections for places you can stay in the future.
• Stay in the comfort of your own place and avoid large accommodation costs. Ever fancied swapping your accommodation for that dream penthouse or luxury villa? Come and try!
• In-built chat feature that allows you to chat with users around the world and decide if you are a match to swap.
• User rating system, and dedicated customer service, with dynamic ‘Top Swapper’ status allows users to check out reviews of accommodation
• Optional deposit system gives you peace of mind should any damage be caused in your property.
• Get notifications when another traveller likes your property and decide whether to match with them or not, through our powerful search engines.
• Develop your Bio page where you can give hints and tips on your location and check out information on your destination, to become a Top Swapper
• Created by a team that has travelled to every country in the world. We know travel, and we want you to be a part of it, come and join us today for the most exciting, money saving travel community to date! We can’t wait to discover more of the world with you!

来自应用汇: Holiday Swap //

Holiday Swap 版本更新

- We have a completely updated home screen, allowing you to search for spaces straight away, easily view your likes and saved spaces, toggle between a feed and map view, and quick-search with featured cities.

- Space management and calendar have been brought to the forefront of the app making it easier to manage your space and future swaps.

- A brand new 'Matches' screen makes it easier to see your recent matches and chats.

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Holiday Swap

  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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