Cotton Candy Maker

Cotton Candy Maker

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Cotton Candy Maker 介绍

Cotton Candy Maker

If you love making and eating sweet, sugar rush inducing treats then jump into the world of Cotton Candy Maker – a game for kids and cotton candy lovers, where you can make cotton candies to your heart’s content.Cotton Candy Maker allows you to make the sweetest candies without any hassle. Personalize your cotton candy by choosing from several vibrant sugar colors and flavors like pink, blue and loads of toppings and decorations.Making cotton candies has never been this easy and fun, you start by adding sugar to the floss making machine and watch as it crushes the sugar to weave it into thin, floss like threads. You then choose a stick of your choice and voila you have your cotton candy ready. But it doesn’t stop there, you then decorate your cotton candy with other sweet treats and candies and finally you wrap your cotton candy with a wrapping of your choice.Experience the ultimate cotton candy making experience with Cotton Candy Maker, the latest cooking game of its kind.Features:✔ Thousands of possible combinations for making your very own Cotton Candy.✔ Several unique ingredient categories, each with 10+ items – all unlocked from the very start.✔ Completely free – no strings attached.✔ You can save your created Cotton Candy and show it to your friends and family.✔ Colorful, vibrant visuals.Cotton Candy Maker - Copyright © ICAW – 2013Try out our other cooking games and makers!- Cola Maker- Fondue Maker- Popcorn Maker- ICEE Maker- Hot Dog Maker- Ice Candy MakerCotton Candy Maker allows you to make the sweetest candies without any hassle. Personalize your cotton candy by choosing from several vibrant sugar colors and flavors like pink, blue and loads of toppings and decorations.Making cotton candies has never been this easy and fun, you start by adding sugar to the floss making machine and watch as it crushes the sugar to weave it into thin, floss like threads. You then choose a stick of your choice and voila you have your cotton candy ready. But it doesn’t stop there, you then decorate your cotton candy with other sweet treats and candies and finally you wrap your cotton candy with a wrapping of your choice.Experience the ultimate cotton candy making experience with Cotton Candy Maker, the latest cooking game of its kind.Features:✔ Thousands of possible combinations for making your very own Cotton Candy.✔ Several unique ingredient categories, each with 10+ items – all unlocked from the very start.✔ Completely free – no strings attached.✔ You can save your created Cotton Candy and show it to your friends and family.✔ Colorful, vibrant visuals.Cotton Candy Maker - Copyright © ICAW – 2013Try out our other cooking games and makers!- Cola Maker- Fondue Maker- Popcorn Maker- ICEE Maker- Hot Dog Maker- Ice Candy Maker

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