Time Server

Time Server

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Time Server 介绍

Time Server

The ultimate NTP Server, simple to use and free! Use your Android device as your own Time Server! Use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) or the simpler Time Protocol for the server. Even with support for Dynamic DNS Updating!
The app supports logging and can be set to automatically start/stop a Time Server when your device is connected to a specific wifi network!
NOTE. The 'Network Time Protocol' normally runs on port 123 and the 'Time Protocol' normally runs on port 37. However, because of Android limitations you can't use these ports, so you will need to add port forwarding in your network to be able to connect, for example, a windows computer. Make sure to forward the TCP and UDP protocol.
In this version you can add one server (Time server, or Dynamic DNS Updater). If you want to be able to add unlimited items please buy Time Server Pro. If you buy the pro version you will support development, will be able to add unlimited items and see no advertisements!
★★For more servers and features have a look at our app Servers Ultimate★★
And that's not all; you can even set a dynamic DNS updater! So you can always access your device from everywhere, even if the IP changed!
It also has extensive logging functionality, and you can even set the app to email you the log automatically!
Features summary:
- Free!
- Start/Stop a server automatically when connected/disconnected from a specified WIFI network
- Verbose log (filter, email, etc)
- Add a Dynamic DNS Updater using the local or public IP of your device
- The Time Server can be accessed from the web (for example through your 3G connection) if supported by your mobile network

All features:
- Add multiple Time Servers
- For every Time Server you can set the name, type (NTP or Time Protocol), port, vibrate on a new connection, enable logging, only log errors, start on boot, start the server when connected to a specific WIFI network and stop when the WIFI network is lost
- Add multiple dynamic DNS updaters (set a custom URL, or choose from ChangeIP, DNSdynamic, DNSexit, DNSMadeEasy, DNS-O-Matic, DNSPark, DtDNS, DynDNS, easyDNS, eNom, HE.net, Joker, Namecheap, No-IP, ZoneEdit)
- For every dynamic DNS updater set the name, timeout (in minutes), hostname, username, password and whether to update with the local or public IP address, start the DNS updater when connected to a specific WIFI network and stop when the WIFI network is lost, start on boot
- On the settings page of the app you can set the maximum log items to keep, whether to keep a WIFI lock (prevent WIFI from disconnecting automatically), keep the device alive, keep the device alive full (keep the screen on, battery intensive), start the app on boot
- You can search/filter the log, or set it to be automatically sent when the log limit is reached.
For questions, comments or feature requests just contact us!
Visit us on: http://www.icecoldapps.com/
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来自应用汇: Time Server //www.stclairws.com/app/com.icecoldapps.timeserver?from=spi-desc

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Ice Cold Apps

  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 改变WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 开机自动允许
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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