Immortal Fantasy: Cards RPG

Immortal Fantasy: Cards RPG

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Immortal Fantasy: Cards RPG 介绍

Immortal Fantasy: Cards RPG

Immortal Fantasy is a roleplaying game (RPG) that offers you the coolest dice and cards RPG gaming that can be found in app stores anywhere! Choose your career: Fighter, Mage, Priest, Thief, or Ranger. PLAYING THE GAMEIn order to win you must get the attention of the gods. You choose those as well. Let your decisions stand as your game characters come face to face with their destiny. Awesome graphics and cool gameplay sets Immortal Fantasy apart from other games in the RPG genre. You will find lots of items and equipment along your fantastic journey. From potions to armors, weapons, and so much more, Immortal Fantasy has it all. Travel the maps, explore worlds like thousands of other RPG gamers are doing now!FEATURES:◆ Epic RPG action◆ 1000’s of players◆ Awesome graphics◆ New worlds to explore◆ Fight monsters and get treasures◆ Sweet card and dice RPG gaming ◆ Cool items, armors, potions, spells, and more◆ Get the attention of the gods to help you survive◆ Tons of cards, new old, and rare to be used with dice to play◆ Brilliantly designed and expertly created Immortal Fantasy is an amazing modern RPG with old school gameplay!Collect the cards, roll the dice, each of your decisions matter in your own survival!

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Immortal Fantasy: Cards RPG 版本更新

Bug fix.

Immortal Fantasy: Cards RPG 类似游戏

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  • YYH12458624860 2021-01-20


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  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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