Drift Rally Racing 3D

Drift Rally Racing 3D

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Drift Rally Racing 3D 介绍

Drift Rally Racing 3D

Get ready to drive high performance turbo cars and make them drift at high speed in tracks designed specifically for drift racing rally. The best thing about this drift rally is that you can explore the desert and the snow at the same time.Drift Rally Racing 3d gives you exciting cars and country roads on different maps. Race against the time and be the best. You can rally race against your mate or any other rivals.Race in the track by yourself to achieve honors or race against a stronger opponent rivals and check how good you are in rally racing, while you achieve more points on your drifting skills. Drift rally racing is an attempt to combine the best of both old school rally racing games and smart device experiences. Stunning visual graphics, realistic yet fun to drive car physics, all in the palm of your hand. Take the rally racing anytime, anywhere with you!If you are a big fan of Colin McRae Rally or WRC at Ridge motorsports Park or in any other circuit rally of the world. You might well be interested in Girls car racing GCR with fancy looking cars, or just the rough man stuff. Drift rally racing is perfect for you.Features:• Realistic 3D drift racing• Unique rally race driving experience in different environments. Desert and snow• Amazing drifting effects and great car physics• Enjoy collision with a bang and spark effects and great sound effects• 2 game modes. Challenge and single race mode• Over 29 amazing levels• 10 legendary cars would race you in different levels• Optimized to run on even low end android devices

来自应用汇: Drift Rally Racing 3D //www.stclairws.com/app/com.impp.rally.racing?from=spi-desc

Drift Rally Racing 3D 版本更新

- Game play made more interesting- Vehicle controls made smooth- New features added

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Imperial Arts Pty Ltd

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