TouchBeat - Drum education rhythm training

TouchBeat - Drum education rhythm training

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TouchBeat - Drum education rhythm training 介绍

TouchBeat - Drum education rhythm training

Available in OS 4.1 or later, and recommended are OS 5.0 and later. * Drum game based rhythm training and music learning application.* Provides Lesson mode for beginners to learn rhythm of drums and to practice drum playing style.* Supports the Game mode, which allows you to enjoy varierty of genres for rhythmical and play for increasing level faster and faster.* Supports the Free drum mode, which selected music to prefer genres as a expert. Many people wants to play instruments, but it is not easy to get action. Especially, drum is not only expensive price, but due to volume for position and noise issues, there are more restrictions on use in general households. But now with TouceBeat and smart devices, you can enjoy exciting drum anytime, anywhere! You can learn basic drum play and training for rhythm game. Touch Beat is more enjoyable way to train for students professoinally and even drummers who enjoy hobby. Music List** Maroon5 - I Won't Go Home Without You** Maroon5 - sugar** Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk(Ft. Bruno Mars)** Suede - Trash** Bruno Mars - 24K Magic** Michael Jackson - Black or White** INUC - Anyone Can Play Drums** Nirvana - Smells Like Teens Sprit** Greenday - Basket Case** INUC - Gallant Journey

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