Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English)

Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English)

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Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English) 介绍

Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English)

Demo version for the Asahi Kanji app.* A typical stack of flashcards for the first 120 Jōyō kanji (2010 official list) and the N5 level (lowest) of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test + 56 radicals (bushu) and primitive elements.* Choice of the JLPT or Jōyō Kanji order.* Display can be toggled on and off for all panels (kanji, meanings, On-yomi, Kun-yomi and sample compounds.* Four multiple choice drills on meanings, On-yomi (Chinese readings) and Kun-yomi (Japanese readings)* Choice of the range of kanji you want to concentrate on.* Possibility to mark known kanji in order to exclude them from the drills.* Encore! (a stack of cards populated with the wrong answers from the drills)* Report displaying your score for each drill.* A typical stack of flashcards for the first 120 Jōyō kanji (2010 official list) and the N5 level (lowest) of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test + 56 radicals (bushu) and primitive elements.* Choice of the JLPT or Jōyō Kanji order.* Display can be toggled on and off for all panels (kanji, meanings, On-yomi, Kun-yomi and sample compounds.* Four multiple choice drills on meanings, On-yomi (Chinese readings) and Kun-yomi (Japanese readings)* Choice of the range of kanji you want to concentrate on.* Possibility to mark known kanji in order to exclude them from the drills.* Encore! (a stack of cards populated with the wrong answers from the drills)* Report displaying your score for each drill.

来自应用汇: Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English) //

Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English) 版本更新

Code upgrade required by Android 8

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Asahi Kanji JLPT-N5 (English) 信息







Roger Meyer

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
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