Baby Run The Babysitter Escape

Baby Run The Babysitter Escape

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Baby Run The Babysitter Escape 介绍

Baby Run The Babysitter Escape

Run, dodge, jump, and slide into an incredible baby adventure. Babsy is a lively little baby that wants to discover the world and she cannot stand being controlled by her babysitter. Therefore she decides to flee from her prison in order to live an astonishing exploring adventure of her city. Your task will be, to not let her be caught from the worried nanny.Rush through crowded cities, small villages, over big bridges and gather all the coins you can. While running, avoid hitting trucks, cars, buses or any other object that could either slow you down or stop you. Collect all the fun power ups to get further and to give the tireless babysitter the slip.How to play:- Drag/swipe to jump or slide and to move left or right- The power ups are activated automatically when you get them- Buy new characters and upgrade power ups with the collected coinsFeatures:- 9 Lovely Babies to choose like, builder, boy scouts, sporty, etc.- 3 Special babies conquer by collecting teddy bears- Cartoon like environment- Amazing power-ups: coin magnet, rocket, super go cart, jetpack etc. - Trucks, cars and buses to avoid!- Lots of obstacles to dodge- Cool musicSpecial power- ups- The rocket will make you fly at top speed over the obstacles and give you the opportunity to collect a lot of coins.- The Go kart will makes you faster which will require all of your dodging abilities to not crush against something. If you hit something with the kart you will only lose the vehicle but still keep running.If you like the game, please rate it with 5 stars on the store and invite your friends on facebook or google plus to join the race.

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