Baby Babsy - Playground Fun 2

Baby Babsy - Playground Fun 2

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Baby Babsy - Playground Fun 2 介绍

Baby Babsy - Playground Fun 2

Meet Babsy the talking baby at the mall playground. Talk with her and she will repeat everything you say and respond to your touch. Spend a great time with Babsy and her joyful activities. Make her play with the different playground equipment, like the slide, the cool swing, the cool seesaw (teeter totter), the tunnel etc.Have a look at Babsy playing the guitar or the maraca.Enjoy dressing her up with different pajamas and the kids’ overalls you like the most.You can also feed her when she is hungry and give her vegetables a piece of cake or something else to eat.Give Babsy a lollipop, or make her play with her teddy bear to comfort her when she feels a little bit sad. This application contains also 2 amazing games and a drawing option.Advise: Babsy is a little kid and as all of them, she will not always like what you would like to make her wear or eat but do not worry she will change her humor back to happy quite easily.- - - Features: - - -✔ High quality 3d video graphics✔ Cool voice and touch interaction✔ Many different animations like sneezing, farting, laughing, dancing, sending kisses, etc.✔ Kids paint: Super entertaining tool to try and draw a picture with your fingertip. Discover the artist in you!✔ Fun for allGames: Knockdown the cans: It is a simple but highly addictive game. Aim at pile of cans and throw them down with the provided balls. Strike down the exploding cans to destroy the entire pile with one hit.The green can provides you with one additional ball.Use as less throws as you can to establish a new record. Hit the Target: In this game you will simply have to be as precise as possible to try and hit the center of the different targets with the colorful Velcro balls. Simply aim carefully at the target, calibrate your strength and shoot.

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