Hand Doctor Surgery Kids Games

Hand Doctor Surgery Kids Games

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Hand Doctor Surgery Kids Games 介绍

Hand Doctor Surgery Kids Games

Kids gets ready to be a doctor. Little crazy hand doctor our new game will give you a chance to give a treatment to disinfectant injured hands of patient people. Those who love the to be a dr, now can get the initial training to treat the patients with crazy hand doctor game.

Freatures of Hand Doctor game:
Main features of the game:
* Patients people options for Doctor.
* Ice for burn finger to cool down the hands temperature.
* Pyridine for cure the disinfectant blood spots.
* Hands Doctor can use Bandage for hand cuts.
* Picker for pull out the needles from injured hand.
* Xray machine to take the hand X-ray and get decision for hand surgery.
* Cotton for removing clueing the wounds.
* Binder for binding dislocated bones.
* Water sprayer for crazy hand doctor.
* Injection for the treatment of hand. And additional drip permitted by doctor.
* Lazer is used to kill the germs. Trained dr can use lazer for treatment.
* Magnifier for giving nails treatment.
* Nail cleaner for cleaning the nailz.
* Nail cutter for cutting the nails hand.
* Sharing options to share with colleague doctor (Dr) and friends.
* Stroboscope, stethoscope for Dr.
* Plas for little crazy germ. With the help of pals you can pull the germ.
So what else? Download now the hand doctor. And get started to do hand surgery. Feel like a Dr. Fulfill your dream to be a Crazy Doctor. And not forget to try our many other entertaining and educational games.

来自应用汇: Hand Doctor Surgery Kids Games //www.stclairws.com/app/com.kids.games.zone.hand.doctor?from=spi-desc

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Minor Bugs Resolved.

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