Multi Window Launcher

Multi Window Launcher

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Multi Window Launcher 介绍

Multi Window Launcher

Easy Access Android Device..Now Enjoy With Multi Window Experience In Your Mobile Phone Also. Install This Free Tool To Create Your Favorite List Of Installed Icons In Your Phone. Each floating app is a small application that opens in a window and floats over all other applications allowing real multitasking on your android phone or tablet. Just open floating app and experience multitasking like on your Windows or Mac. This app makes all apps multi window capable, but only adds the ones you specify to the launch tray. This means you can drag an app from the launch bar onto ANY app and it will launch in split screen...even apps that aren't explicitly selected to be enabled for multi window.Side Bar Multi Window is a free application to provide you the ease of accessing your applications from anywhere. It is just a side Launcher with your favorite applications. Shortcuts of your selected favorite applications will be created on the left of the screen and it will always be there at top for giving you the access for these applications anywhere anytime.Sidebar Multiwindow,You Can Also Create Shortcuts Of Your Installed System Apps Icon Into MutiWindow Tray. MultiWindow Commander has one specific function - it allows you to easily ADD more multi window or pen window or popup window appsMultitasking is composed by the settings menu, the sidebar and the floating tools. To access the tools bar do a swipe gesture to the right.Main Features?Fast task switcher/app switcher?Beautiful sidebar launcher on the edge (ultra customizable)?Creates two bars (left bar and right bar) with shortcuts?Provides real multitasking ?Apps Organizer?Finally, you can clean up your homescreenExtra Features ::# No ROOT required# Long press and Drag Drop Icons On Screen For Open App.# You Can Increase And Decrease Speed Of Multi Window Tray.# You Can Arrange Icons.Types: Most used app, Recently used app and Alphabetical Order. # You Can Select Many Different Default Themes.# You can hide and unhide On long pressing multi window Sidebar icon. (Follow Help )# You can change transparency of slide bar.# Customize color, animation speed,order and opacity.# Service start automatically when phone restart Fix.

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Multi Window Launcher 版本更新

Change window background
Add multiple apps.
Directly change apps.
Change graphics

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