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maymay 介绍


***NOTE#1: This app is currently in BETA. The app is a beta version and so content and technologies are not finalized yet and still in review. You use this beta version of the app at your own risk.
***NOTE#2: For Ooredoo subscribers only!
Introducing new version 1.2.2! Featuring a totally new user interface. We hope you like the new look. We're also trying out a beta version of live chat where users can chat with one another about their pregnancy and young child experiences.
maymay is a FREE application for pregnant women and their partners on the Ooredoo network. For many women their partners and their families in Myanmar it's hard to get information about maternal and child health. The maymay app aims to solve this problem by regularly sending informational messages about maternal and child health to expecting and pregnant mothers their partners and family members and parents of young children.
Registration is easy: just enter your mobile number and your current pregnancy week when you first use the app and you'll be all set! If you don't know your current week of pregnancy don't worry; the app will simply default to Week 5 and you can always adjust your week later in your user profile.
The maymay app was developed by 2014 Echoing Green Global Fellowship winner Koe Koe Tech in partnership with multinational telecom Ooredoo global INGO Population Services International (PSI) and global mobile operator consortium GSMA. PSI's Myanmar doctors localized texts from the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) for the Myanmar context -- MAMA is supported by USAID and the UN. All messages have been approved by Myanmar's Ministry of Health (MOH).

来自应用汇: maymay //

maymay 版本更新

Added advanced search function in hospital and preschool features,

Updated contact phone number in setting screen,

Added audio focus feature in the video player and

Fixed minor bugs.

用户对 maymay 的评论

当前还没有用户评论 ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ


maymay 信息

BETA version







Koe Koe Tech

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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