Filter Your Screen

Filter Your Screen

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Filter Your Screen 介绍

Filter Your Screen

For those who have color tint screens. This app will create a filter to reduce color tint on your screen, or use this app to dim your screen if it is too bright.

You can see result of filter by using 'Screen Test' which is included in this app, you can also use this feature to find dead pixels on your screen.

Furthermore, this app includes a funny feature "Filter Effect" which you can use 'Scanline Effect' to change your screen to be looked like CRT monitor.

Please read 'Term of Use' and 'Instruction' in this app carefully before using it.

***OLED screen owner please read***
(AMOLED screen of Samsung Galaxy S, Super AMOLED Plus screen of Samsung Galaxy S II, etc.)

- you should use only white, gray or black filter only.
- using color filter (not white, gray or black) for a long time may cause your screen more color tint. (it's about OLED screen property, not my fault)
- using any color filter other than black will cause black pixel being not 'true black' pixel anymore. (that means some power is required for black pixel)
- if the filter does not cover all of your screen, please uninstall this app because this may cause irregular color burn to your screen.

******** Known Issue *********
The filter disappear randomly.
- This is because Android system kills some services due to low memory condition. Sadly, This cannot be fixed. However, the system will start killed services again in a few seconds. So, you don't have to start service by yourself.

Recent Changes:
- fixed bugs
- removed vibration when filter on
- changed default color of new filter
- no update, just add link to my game :)
- added another link to my app :)
v 1.05
- added an option to AutoStart the filter service on boot
- added an option to make a notification icon to be removable
v 1.06
- added warning message
- fixed bugs

来自应用汇: Filter Your Screen //

Filter Your Screen 版本更新

v1.17- removed exit interstitial adsv 1.11- removed permission "READ_PHONE_STATE"

Filter Your Screen 类似软件

用户对 Filter Your Screen 的评论

当前还没有用户评论 ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ


Filter Your Screen 信息







KP Funny Apps

  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 开机自动允许
  • 显示系统窗口
  • 写入外部存储
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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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