Jabra Assist

Jabra Assist

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Jabra Assist 介绍

Jabra Assist

Jabra Classic, Jabra Mini, Jabra Style, Jabra Freeway, Jabra Drive and Jabra Tour come with the free Jabra Assist smartphone application, which is loaded with extra features, which will add even more value to your Jabra product.By installing the Jabra Assist application you will get:Find my Jabra (for Jabra Classic, Jabra Mini and Jabra Style). Each time the headset is in use the position is geo tagged. If the headset gets misplaced, you can see on the map on your smartphone where it has been used last time making it easy to find the headset again. The application can even show the easiest route back to your headset. Furthermore if the headset is lost but still in range, you can activate a sound in the headset, making it easier to find again.Find my Car (for Jabra Freeway, Jabra Drive and Jabra Tour). Each time you leave your car, its position is geo tagged. You can see your current location and where you left the car at any time on the phones build in map. The application can even show the easiest route back to your car. The application also lets you take a picture of the surroundings when leaving the car, making it even easier to relocate your car.Responsible Driving (for Jabra Freeway, Jabra Drive and Jabra Tour) Jabra Assist provides a new feature set to respond to the increasing focus on responsible driving, avoiding accidents when using your smartphone while driving. When you connect to a Jabra Freeway, Jabra Drive or Jabra Tour speakerphone, your smartphone will switch into safety mode. An incoming message will be automatically replied stating that you are in the car driving and will return later.Battery meter (for Jabra Classic, Jabra Mini and Jabra Style). The battery meter gives you a simple visual indication of the remaining battery time on your Jabra device. It will give you a warning when the level reaches 50%, 25% and 10% of the remaining talk time.Pairing guide. The automated pairing guide will guide you through the pairing session in an easy step-by-step process.Animated guide. The guide gives you an easy to understand introduction to the key features of the Jabra Assist smartphone application.User manual. Need to check the user manual? No worries; as you now have access to the full user manual from within the application.Enjoy all these great features and more when you download the Jabra Assist app. Note that Jabra Assist application only works in conjunction with the Jabra Classic, Jabra Mini, Jabra Style, Jabra Freeway, Jabra Drive and Jabra Tour products.

来自应用汇: Jabra Assist //www.stclairws.com/app/com.latvisoft.jabraassist?from=spi-desc

Jabra Assist 版本更新

Stability and performance improvements

Jabra Assist 类似软件

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Jabra Assist 信息







Jabra by GN Netcom

  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 使用蓝牙
  • 蓝牙管理
  • 连续广播
  • 访问网络
  • 修改声音设置
  • 读取联系人
  • 读取电话状态
  • 开机自动允许
  • 接收短信
  • 发送短信
  • 显示系统窗口
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
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