Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta

Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta

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Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta 介绍

Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta

Change your mobile look similar to Jarvis computer with Jarvis Arc Launcher. Jarvis Arc Launcher is the best Launcher for your android mobile phone, Jarvis Arc launcher is designed to give your mobile the look and feel of fictional movie mobile phone. This launcher is now available for free download. Launcher specially designed for android low end devices is a very cool Quad HD resolution ready launcher for your Android Smart Phones.Key Features of Launcher: Smooth icon animations Custom icon pack for many apps WQHD OS 11 wallpapers - Beautiful Wallpaper to decorate your screen Simulates best sci-fi phone Power efficient Desktop clock Live Weather CPU usage monitor RAM usage monitor Internal/ External SD card monitor Network signal monitor wifi signal monitor Battery level monitorUp Comings This is only the beta version and lots of new features are coming in next update.

来自应用汇: Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta //www.stclairws.com/app/com.launcher.starklauncher?from=spi-desc

Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta 版本更新

- Android 9.0 support added

- Minor crash fixes

- Desktop Icons are made changeable

Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta 类似软件

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Jarvis Arc Launcher - Beta 信息







Launchers Mart

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