Period Calendar, Cycle Tracker

Period Calendar, Cycle Tracker

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Period Calendar, Cycle Tracker 介绍

Period Calendar, Cycle Tracker

Period Calendar - Menstrual Tracker Period Calendar is an extremely elegant and easy-to-use application that helps women keep track of periods, cycle, ovulation, and fertile days. Whether you are concerned about conceiving, birth control, contraception, or regularity of period cycles, Period Calendar can help. Our tracker is easy to use and offers everything you need: Track irregular periods, weight, temperature, moods, blood flow, symptoms and more. Discreet reminders keep you informed and prepared for upcoming periods, ovulation, and fertile days. The calendar is great at predicting fertility, ovulation and periods. The app adapts to your cycle history and accurately predicts the key days that interest you. See everything you need at a glance on the calendar home page. Period Calendar protects your most private data—the calendar can be password locked, keeping your information hidden from prying eyes. Easy backup and restore of your data to protect against device loss or replacement. Key features:Period tracker, calculator and calendar - Intuitive calendar in which you can visualize non-fertile, fertile, ovulation, expected period and period days- Calendar, cycles and settings can be quickly backed up and restored. Never be afraid to lose your calendar data- Our intuitive health tracker shows vital information at a glanceDaily period log with detailed tracking- The daily calendar planner lets you save information on flow, intercourse, symptoms, moods, temperature, weight, medicine, PMS, other diary notes- Easily move between calendar days- Notifications for upcoming period, fertility windows or ovulation- Protect your period calendar using a unique PIN codeAlways have up-to-date info with the tracker- Track period data and ovulation signs on your calendar- Choose from different units of measurement- Reset tracker data to start fresh- Adjust period prediction intervals in the Settings section- Adjust luteal phase length- Track cervical observations - Start the tracker on a custom “first day of week” (Monday or Sunday)Period tracker with abstinence mode- Hide ovulation, fertility and intercourse related data- Make this calendar the perfect period tracker for girls and teensElegant and sophisticated, just like you! This highly customizable period tracker and pregnancy planning calendar is perfect for every woman.Download our period calendar free today!Follow us on:

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