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LIFX控制器 介绍



[LIFX] 应用程序的功能:开启和关闭你的LIFX灯泡,1000流明的亮度调节,改变颜色(百万种颜色),创建组别,分别命名灯泡和保存场景。


LIFX控制器 历史版本

  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.15.0
    大小: 35.50 M

    - Added new advanced white wheel options for more granular kelvin control.

    - Improvements to onboarding including support for firmware updates during onboarding and configuring cloud connection during onboarding.

    - Updating firmware on the edit screen for a given light only updates the firmware for the selected light.

    - Various other stability improvements.
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.14.0
    大小: 35.33 M

    - Improvements to reliability of communication with lights.

    - Themes now take into account light brightness, and will never become brighter than the current light brightness.

    - Improvement to the brightness changing behavior on Multi-Zone products and Tile. When a Theme is applied, brightness will scale rather than setting all LEDs to the same brightness.

    - Added support for expanded Kelvin range on Mini Color and Mini Day Dusk.

    - Fixing some issues related to Android Q and onboarding lights.
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.13.0
    大小: 35.31 M

    - Your creations in paint mode can now be quickly saved as a Scene

    - Individual zones can now be turned off in paint mode for Multi-Zone lights

    - Long press on the power button in the light detail screen now lets you fade off over a duration

    - Added 'Fast Transition' option to some effects, to allow for more dramatic colour changes

    - Improved onboarding reliability.
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.12.3
    大小: 35.24 M

    - Redesigned Scene Configuration, now easier to update existing Scenes.

    - Scenes can now have custom application durations.

    - Added ability to reset Colour Palette to default values.

    - Improvements to app reliability.
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.11.3
    大小: 34.92 M

    Completely redesigned set up experience to make it easier to get your lights configured.

    Added 'Almost Done…' section to the dashboard will help you configure your lights.

    'Guest Lights' will now appear as a separate Location to remove dashboard clutter
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.11.2
    大小: 34.16 M
    Completely redesigned set up experience to make it easier to get your lights configured.
    Added 'Almost Done…' section to the dashboard will help you configure your lights.
    'Guest Lights' will now appear as a separate Location to remove dashboard clutter
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.10.0
    大小: 41.55 M
    The Color and White control screens wheel and power button styling has been updated and the Mini White control screen now has a ring brightness control.
    Layout bug fixes on the Login/Registration, Palette and Effects screens.
    Fixed a bug where the theme data wasn’t being correctly localised.
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.8.10
    大小: 41.39 M
    Fixed a bug where the Lights in a Location sometimes isn’t initializing when the app is loaded from the background.
    Fixed a bug with the Animate Theme effect which was causing the lights turn off instead of continuing to animate.
    Fix for some login/registration issues.
    Several fixes for app crashes
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.8.9
    大小: 41.39 M
    - Redesigned and customizable color palette which is synced across your devices
    - Theme names are now localized.
    - New prompt to conveniently add all lights on your network to your cloud account
    - You can now toggle schedules on and off from the dashboard
    - Updated layout for the Light Settings screen
    - Fixed bugs with Location Services and With the Sun GPS positioning
    - Increased the minimum supported version to Android 4.4
  • LIFX控制器
    版本: 3.8.4
    大小: 34.91 M
    Turning on the Day Dusk feature will now start the transition straight away. Touching the Day Dusk graph will allow you to preview the Day Dusk transition directly on your lights.Day Dusk Evening to Night Light transition has been refined so they lights won't get darker until closer to the Night Light segment begins.If Day Dusk is switched on for a group, there are now status indicators when you look at lights in that group on the dashboard or the Day Dusk screen.Fixed a bug with claiming.

LIFX控制器 版本更新

- Added new advanced white wheel options for more granular kelvin control.

- Improvements to onboarding including support for firmware updates during onboarding and configuring cloud connection during onboarding.

- Updating firmware on the edit screen for a given light only updates the firmware for the selected light.

- Various other stability improvements.

- Improved Google Assistant authentication flow.

- Fixed latency issues with LIFX Z, Beam and Tile.

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