Children Puzzle for Kids Pets

Children Puzzle for Kids Pets

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Children Puzzle for Kids Pets 介绍

Children Puzzle for Kids Pets

Children Puzzle for Kids Pets (Animal Puzzle) - This is a free puzzle game for kids.Children Puzzle for Kids Pets (Animal Puzzle) - A simple game for children aged 2 years, 3 years oldChildren Puzzle for Kids Pets (Animal Puzzle) - helps toddlers develop motor skills - coordination and precision.For 2 years old Puzzles for children, pack animals:- This is a free puzzle game for kids.- The game is simple for children aged 2 years, 3 years- Simple interface, friendly for kids.- Free version of the game for children Puzzles for children Small contains 20 images of very good quality.- Puzzle Game for kids helps toddlers develop motor skills - coordination and precision.- Simple, clear shapes puzzle beneficial effect on the development and perception of the child and the development of visual memory.- Free puzzle game for preschool children is based on matching puzzle pieces forming familiar objects from the environment, develops:- The ability to think logically,- Perceptiveness- visual memory,- The ability to know and understand the environment.- In the background you can hear a nice melody played on the piano. Classical conducive to the development of the mind. You can choose between classical music and other catchy musicOur puzzle - Puzzle contain a set of images selected for 2 year olds and 3The great advantage of our puzzle for the youngest children is the option album, where you can choose which image will fall into place. For the first pose, in the album they are only shadows of things to solve. When the child will want to arrange eg. A small frog, or a dinosaur must review only a few pages of the album.Mechanics Games for children Puzzles for children (Animal Puzzle)- Our 2 and 3 year olds have 5 pieces to arrange image- It is also the option to choose where the child must place a picture with the disposal of 10 pieces (abnormal elements are chosen randomly by the game)- They see the shadow that must cover puzzles- When all the puzzles are matched to the shade appears in the picture- Children are rewarded with applause- Simple interface, easily mastered baby move in the game- At the top of the screen are the arrows so that the child can change the images at any time - right arrow - next image left arrow - previous picture, three arrows - a randomly generated image- Color graphics, a variety of images- Album - the child can see that the puzzle worked out or not.- Reset - a child can reset the album- Game besides undoubted educational and cognitive values ​​provide the child a lot of fun.- This is undoubtedly the best entertainment for traveling with a baby or in the queue to see a doctor.Our puzzles are suitable for children aged 2 years old and 3 years old. Little ones will love being able to compose a simple puzzle consisting of colored images. Each image is divided into five parts, which adapts to the shadows.Puzzle game for kids has educational value for children of two years and three years. How to prepare the game supports the development of perception (recognition of shapes), hand eye coordination and helps to develop logical thinking. The game is ideal for children younger than 4 year olds and 5 year olds.Our application:• does not contain links to social networks• contains no in-app purchases• does not collect any personal data• has a small amount of advertising compared to other games, this is our way to fund free access to the application.

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Children Puzzle for Kids Pets 版本更新

- additional song: melody "Five Little Monkeys" - nurse's song

- simplifying the menu

- 25 new puzzles - "mode of cuts"

- 40 puzzles - "box 2D mode" - for a change the new mechanics in the game - in an easy mode for toddlers and a more difficult mode for older children - these are square puzzles.

- diamonds and hearts are added in addition to the stars

- new animated animals appearing after arranging the puzzle (the toddler can touch them and hear their voices)

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