Alloy Lime Theme CM10.1

Alloy Lime Theme CM10.1

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Alloy Lime Theme CM10.1 介绍

Alloy Lime Theme CM10.1

**READ: Only for use with the Theme Chooser, a custom, rooted ROM w/ this feature is needed to use this app!!>> Welcome to AlloyUI, a Theme Chooser theme with a dark metallic mix of buttons, sliders, checkboxes and more. Alloy takes Android's "Holo" style user interface and makes it more appealing by using design elements such as 3d style perspectives, new bevels/edges, ambient lighting and gradients. This is just a pilot to this series of themes, keep an eye out for an array of color options for AlloyUI!>> Supported screen DPI: [XHDPI][HDPI][MDPI][LDPI][Tablet/Phablet UI]>> Works on most CM sourced ROMs, including, CM10, CM10.1, AOKP, Paranoid Android, etc..>> What's Theme Chooser & how to I apply this theme?: - Theme Chooser is theme engine included in popular custom ROMs such as CM10, AOKP, and many more. - Download and install this app and then navigate to Settings -> Themes -> Alloy Theme, and hit the "APPLY" button.>> TROUBLESHOOTING: - IF you see this error: "THIS THEME WAS IMPROPERLY COMPILED AND CANNOT BE APPLIED...", RE-APPLY the default "System" theme AND either: - REBOOT - OR, clear cache & data of "ThemesProvider.apk" & "ThemeChooser.apk", then apply the theme. - This error: "SORRY, THIS THEME IS MISSING ASSETS FOR YOUR DEVICES SCREEN SIZE," is HARMLESS, just ignore and select "APPLY ANYWAY.">> If you have any questions, theme requests, or issues, please contact me at: Or this thread:>> Welcome to AlloyUI, a Theme Chooser theme with a dark metallic mix of buttons, sliders, checkboxes and more. Alloy takes Android's "Holo" style user interface and makes it more appealing by using design elements such as 3D style perspectives, new bevels/edges, ambient lighting and gradients. This is just a pilot to this series of themes, keep an eye out for an array of color options for AlloyUI!>> Supported screen DPI: [XHDPI][HDPI][MDPI][LDPI][Tablet/Phablet UI]>> Works on most CM sourced ROMs, including, CM10, CM10.1, AOKP, Paranoid Android, etc..>> What's Theme Chooser & how to I apply this theme?: - Theme Chooser is theme engine included in popular custom ROMs such as CM10, AOKP, and many more. - Download and install this app and then navigate to Settings -> Themes -> Alloy Theme, and hit the "APPLY" button.>> TROUBLESHOOTING: - IF you see this error: "THIS THEME WAS IMPROPERLY COMPILED AND CANNOT BE APPLIED...", RE-APPLY the default "System" theme AND either: - REBOOT - OR, clear cache & data of "ThemesProvider.apk" & "ThemeChooser.apk", then apply the theme. - This error: "SORRY, THIS THEME IS MISSING ASSETS FOR YOUR DEVICES SCREEN SIZE," is HARMLESS, just ignore and select "APPLY ANYWAY.">> If you have any questions, theme requests, or issues, please contact me at:mac.dsigns@gmail.comOr this thread:

来自应用汇: Alloy Lime Theme CM10.1 //

Alloy Lime Theme CM10.1 版本更新

AUGUST 27, 2013:- Brightness toggle indicator fixed- 4.3 Contacts issue partially fixed *(WIP:CM needs to merge contacts theme compatibility into CM10.2)

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