Coastiality VR

Coastiality VR

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Coastiality VR 介绍

Coastiality VR

*** Winner of the 2017 German Computer Games Award as ‘Best Innovation’ ***

Coastiality VR was especially developed for all Daydream supported Android devices.

Your visit to the theme park was over much too quickly?

Imagine what it would be like if you could re-live some of your adventures anytime and anywhere – directly on your smartphone AND in 360° virtual reality (VR)!

Welcome to the Coastiality app! Discover a virtual world which is already being offered in theme parks worldwide. Ride your favourite rollercoaster again or re-live exciting events as often as you wish – in 360° and virtual reality (VR). The exciting recordings make it seem as if you were actually at the centre of the action.
With the Coastiality app, you always have the theme park with you – wherever you are!

As a further feature, you can buy tickets for the journey with the Alpenexpress Coastiality in Europa-Park directly in this app. Do you want another goody? When you buy a ticket for the Alpenexpress Coastiality via this app, its 360° video in this app will be activated for you at no cost. And don’t worry, we have also integrated short trailers in the app – this means that you can take a quick look at the 360° video in advance, before you make your decision.

The Coastiality app and all of its 360° videos can be experienced completely in virtual reality (VR).

So what are you waiting for? Experience the unique theme park feeling in virtual reality (VR) and 360° – with Coastiality!

The Coastiality VR app contains videos that may trigger phobias. These experiences include horror houses, scary clowns and zombies.

来自应用汇: Coastiality VR //

Coastiality VR 版本更新

Thank you for using the Coastiality app!

The update includes:
* Optimisation of players
* Improved design

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Coastiality VR 信息






  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储



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