Anime Manga Camera Editor

Anime Manga Camera Editor

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Anime Manga Camera Editor 介绍

Anime Manga Camera Editor

Funny!! cute !! anyone who does not like anime manga cameraalmost everyone likes anime manga from children to adultsand of course you would want to look just as anime manga.Now with the application Anime Manga Camera Editor, you can make your photos like anime manga character you preferstart by editing the anime eyes, nose anime, anime hair, mouth anime according to your wishes become Anime Manga faceAnime Manga Camera Editor Application Features:★ Interface is simple and easy to use★ Take a picture from the gallery★ Hundreds of Anime Manga Camera stickers ready for update★ Support the latest version of the android★ There are various kinds such as 3d Anime Manga Camera, Anime Manga face,Anime Manga Cosplay, Anime Manga effect★ Features a preview before you save your Anime Manga Camera★ Share Save to save your drawing in HD quality★ Share pictures Anime Manga Camera through social mediaAnime Manga Camera Editor How to use :★ Open the app Smoke Effect Edit Photo★ Choose your favorite photo to be edited★ Edit your pictures by adding effects such as anime eyes, nose anime, anime hair, mouth anime, anime effect, anime cosplay★ Add to this the anime manga sticker★ You can remove the effects of sticker by pressing the delete button★ Or reverse sticker by pressing the flip button★ Preview Anime Manga Camera before save or share★ Save your picture by pressing the save button, wait a moment in the gallery of your photos will come out in HD★ You can also direct you to share social mediaDo not forget to rate and reviews applications Anime Manga Camera EditorThank you

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Brandon Wozniak

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