IconMe Keyboard Free

IconMe Keyboard Free

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IconMe Keyboard Free 介绍

IconMe Keyboard Free

IconMe keyboard is the first keyboard with a magic key that predicts the icon (sticker / emoticon / emoji) you’ll probably want to send. While typing the message, the content of this magic key alternates between funny emoticons, emoji, stickers and other types of colorful and non-standard icons.For example, if you type “happy birthday”, the magic key is automatically loaded with colorful birthday cakes, baloons, decorated text wishes, funny emoticons / emoji, etc.Other features of the IconMe keyboard are:--------------------------------------------------------* Enables typing the upper character on each button by “press&hold”.* Allocates separate keys for useful punctuation (like “?” and “!”).* Enables quick shortcut to the standard emoticons (like ":)" and ":\"), by "press&hold" the magic key.* Large keys* Allows typing in all languages.* Predicts words and shows completions.* Gives you control over different keyboard settings such as: themes, typing sounds, vibration, shortcuts, click durations and additional upper row (press & hold the Enter key to get the Settings menu)IconMe keyboard is free for an unlimited time, but the special icons / stickers / emoticons / emoji are limited for 40 days, after which there is a limitation of sending one icon per day only. You can remove this limitation for good by paying a one time amount of 2 $ (that will also remove the "I am using IconMe Keyboard").IconMe keyboard is continuously updated with more and more icons, emoji, emoticons and stickers. Share the icons with your friends, share the IconMe keyboard with them, and send us a feedback.

来自应用汇: IconMe Keyboard Free //www.stclairws.com/app/com.menny.android.iconmekeyboard?from=spi-desc

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