Grand City Gangster-Gang Crime

Grand City Gangster-Gang Crime

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Grand City Gangster-Gang Crime 介绍

Grand City Gangster-Gang Crime

Grand City Gangster: Gang Crime is all about stealing auto cars, evading cops, racing through streets and shooting out other police and gangs. It’s a story of gangster crime city in which gangster robs the bank in grand theft city, delivers secret packages, and steals trucks. Crime missions starts in Miami, Vendetta, Vegas, San Andreas and LA. Street gangsters have dispute in Vendetta Crime City and they are after each other, trying to rise as gangsters and in street crimes. You need funds to further your criminal career and you need to hone your skills! Time to go pick pocketing in Miami City, get ready to make reputation in San Andreas, and gangster move towards Vegas and Vendetta! Grand Gangsters Rob banks and run away as police is chasing. Play this crime simulator and enjoy epic real gangster shooting, survival and chase missions. Free roam in the world of vice city to get familiar with it.These missions are super fun to play. You get to drive people around, take out other gang city members and deliver packages in street crimes. As u go move to higher levels, missions become more interesting and crazier.No wifi required. Can be played offline!

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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