The Lost Rupees VR Cardboard

The Lost Rupees VR Cardboard

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The Lost Rupees VR Cardboard 介绍

The Lost Rupees VR Cardboard

Find the lost rupees in this immersive virtual world, and enjoy levels in first person and third-person levels controlling a original character. It is necessary a Cardboard or VR Glasses.The Lost Rupees VR is an immersive virtual reality game for Google Cardboard. Play in a special cartoon town, small houses, stubby trees, green hedges, box, special character, and a lot of rupees.Rupees are over the town, your mission is get it all. Take yours cardboard or virtual reality glasses and immerse yourself in this 3d game ¡find the lost rupees!Star with a ride through trees, then, you have two game modes:* Cardboard mode. Find rupees to collect them with your eyes, only with your Cardboard. Play in first person to look at with your eyes, and get all rupees and pass level, you also can explorer inside village’s house. You don’t need any external devices, unless your Cardboard.* Cardboard + Gamepad mode. Take a Gamepad and Cardboard to play these levels and full enjoy of the game. You control a friendly character for get it rupees. You are the camera, run, jump and climb with the character to pass level and explorer town.* More levels coming soon.** You have to use a Cardboard to play the game.The village is a humble tribute to a great original game for Gameboy. It is a 3D recreation of Mabe Village, the main town of Zelda Link’s Awakening. Now you can walk over the town with yours virtual reality glasses, as you have never done.#Music."The Forest and the Trees"Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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VR mode is now available in a new game, enjoy it!.

It necessary one Cardboard and Gamepad for VR mode.

VR mode need a mobile device with gyroscope.

If you have not the requirements for VR mode, you can continue playing the touch mode, with the controls on the screen.

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