XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker

XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker

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XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker 介绍

XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker

Express Differently!XPRESSO is a refreshingly fun way to express your real life emotions. Simply turn yourself into a stunning 3d avatar, then share amazing animated emoji messages on your favorite chat and social media apps. Our path- breaking technology enables you to be far more expressive than emojis and stickers.XPRESSO is all about you and your emotions!1. Get animated by creating a custom 3D emoji avatar that looks just like you2. Dress up your emoji avatar in the hottest style and make a fashion statement 3. Express your emotions with hundreds of lively 3D animations 4. Chat with your own custom text that animates too!5. Share animated XPRESSOs as GIFs on your favorite chat and social media apps (Facebook, Snapchat, Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, KIK, Twitter, Skype, line, Viber, Google Allo, Gmail, Giphy, Imgur, …. and the list goes on!!!.)For the first time ever!• An ultra-lively experience with 3D animations.• True to life emotions with expressive facial and body gestures • Beautiful combination of personalized 3D avatar and custom animated text• Customized GIFs that feels much more personal than emojis and stickersExpress beyond emojis and stickers with Xpresso and make the world smile.It’s one of those MUST TRY app & it's absolutely FREE!We're always delighted to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please e-mail us at :- hello@xpresso.me

来自应用汇: XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker //www.stclairws.com/app/com.mobigraph.xpresso?from=spi-desc

XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker 版本更新

Fixed the issue with sharing.

As usual we squashed some bugs.

XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker 类似软件

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XPRESSO - Funny GIF maker 信息






  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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