Pet Island - Pug ‘n

Pet Island - Pug ‘n

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Pet Island - Pug ‘n 介绍

Pet Island - Pug ‘n

Breed and take care of your pet like a vet! Create your own personalized shelter for all kinds of animals and fill it with all of your favorite adorable pets, such as a cute little doggie (e.g. pug, terrier or collie), a lovely kitten (a grumpy cat or a happy cat) or maybe even a fluffy hamster or a little pony. Make your shelter rather become more like a hotel, in which you and a vet take care of your animals and make them feel good. Collect hundreds of friendly pets to grow your hotel into a world-class destination. Let your neighbor be proud of this great pet shelter!With over 5,000,000 downloads and an average rating above 4.5 stars we can say: users love our games! Why don't you also become part of our community? Find some neighbors for your pug shelter! We'd love to see you, the new vet, around! Don't be afraid, DOWNLOAD THIS GAME NOW and have a chat with us!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Game features:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Unlock a cute pet with each level!+ Breed the world’s cutest pet: from kitten and hamster even to a panda bear, we got everything for you! That not enough? Try to unlock the ape or collie!+ Care for your lovable pets and make them happy. Make the alpha doggie of all pugs proud!+ The doggies we have for you reach from a pug, a collie over to a terrier. And even a paddock ... but yes, that was a joke. We have a paddock, but it isn’t a dog, we know that *plush* *shame on us*+ Convert your shelter into a nice looking hotel and earn daily adorable bonuses!.+ Visit your neighbor and look at his little pony spa!Collect and breed the cutest pet collie on earth, rescue the paddock and take care of it!Once you established your terrier hotel, be sure to find friends / neighbors to play with. Your friends can send you a pet kitten if you need one for one of the many tasks in the game, or if you want, yes of course: they can send you a doggie too!Your animals will adore you, if you take good care of them! DOWNLOAD THIS FUN GAME NOW!Start to breed your very own personal doggie TODAY!Oh, and don't forget our special beginner's tip: provide a hamster wheel for your golden hamster room! The vet will take care of the kitten, as long he has his mitten :)PLEASE NOTE:This game is free to play, but you can purchase in-app items with real money.Now girl girls and boys lets us start breeding animals in our pet hotel and spa!

来自应用汇: Pet Island - Pug ‘n //

Pet Island - Pug ‘n 版本更新

Updated graphics and improved stability & security! Let us know what you think! :)

Pet Island - Pug ‘n 类似游戏

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  • 琪琪_7209 2018-03-14


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