Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

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Mind The Gap 介绍

Mind The Gap

Mind-the-gap is a very simple to learn and addictive game. The game can be played anywhere anytime with just one finger.
Getting bored on the plane, waiting for your cab or do not know how to kill time in the cab.
No matter the situation You need something to kill time this is the game for you.

Not just that, if you are feeling competitive, share your score with your friends and challenge them to do better.

Essentially you are an adventurer who is crossing different lands.
In order to cross these lands, you have to create bridges that help you land on the next safe hill.
In this process, you can unearth the various types of different treasures ;-)
So what are you waiting for, download the game and start exploring :D
Just remember to "Mind The Gap" :)

Sounds for the game were downloaded from NoiseForFun.com
Background Music by PlayOnLoop.com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0
Game Backgrounds and game icon images created by https://craftpix.net/
Majority of the assets created by http://www.ludicarts.com/
Other icons were generated using http://flaticons.net

来自应用汇: Mind The Gap //www.stclairws.com/app/com.mtg.game?from=spi-desc

Mind The Gap 版本更新

Major overhaul.
3 new treasures to unearth
Share the game on Facebook and earn diamonds
Better tutorial flow.

Mind The Gap 类似游戏

用户对 Mind The Gap 的评论

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Mind The Gap 信息







Gunjan Sharma

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  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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