Rubik Snake Deluxe

Rubik Snake Deluxe

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Rubik Snake Deluxe 介绍

Rubik Snake Deluxe

Play with the Rubik Snake the way you always wanted.New features coming soon!Controls:-Touch a rubik snake segment to select it.-Touch the rubik snake and drag second finger up or down to change the selection.-Touch and drag on the rubik snake to rotate it at the selected segment. Drag towards the left of the screen to rotate the rubik snake in one direction, and drag towards the right of the screen to rotate it in the opposite direction.-Touch and drag the background to rotate the scene.-Use two fingers to zoom, rotate, and pan the rubik snake.-Press the reset button to reset the rubik snake to its original shape.-Press the reset camera button to reset the view.-Press the up/down buttons to select different rubik snake segments.

来自应用汇: Rubik Snake Deluxe //

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